Rave Aqua Jump Water Park Northwoods
From $6,859.99 - $8,819.99 On Sale!
AquaJump 150 Water Park $6,859.99 On Sale!
AquaJump 200 Water Park $8,819.99 On Sale!
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For the ultimate in family fun this summer, get the Rave Aqua Jump Water Park! Bounce high on the Aqua Jump Eclipse water trampoline, launch your friends into the water with the Aqua Launch or see if you can “walk the log” on the Aqua Log extension.
The beige and green earth tone colours of the Northwoods edition of the Aqua Jump water park blend in to the natural environment. Other than the colour difference, the Northwoods edition is identical in every way to the Rave Aqua Jump Water Park.